(As of 6/30/2024)

Picton Mahoney Fortified Market Neutral Alt Fd A

(Alternative Market Neutral)
FundGrade A+® Rating recipient
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Inception Return
6.86 %
YTD Return 7.78 %
Change ($0.05) / -0.33 %
Growth of $10,000 (As of June 30, 2024)
MER 2.79 %
Assets ($mil) $1,234.89
Rank (1Yr) 16/27
Std Dev (3Yr) 5.95 %
Volatility Ranking (3Yr) 1/10
RRSP Eligibility Yes
Load Back Fee Only
Max Front End 5.00 %
Max Back End -
Sales Status Open
The investment objective of the Picton Mahoney Fortified Market Neutral Alternative Fund (the “Fund”) is to provide consistent long-term capital appreciation and to provide unitholders with an attractive risk-adjusted rate of return with less volatility than traditional equity markets and low correlation to major equity markets.
Fund Manager

Picton Mahoney Asset Management

Portfolio Manager

Picton Mahoney Asset Management

Data not available
Asset Allocation
(As of May 31, 2024)
Sector Allocation
(As of May 31, 2024)
Geographic Allocation
(As of May 31, 2024)
Top 10 Holdings
Canada Government 01-Aug-2024Cash and EquivalentsCash and Cash EquivalentCanada12.83%
Canadian Treasury Bill % 24-Oct-2024Cash and EquivalentsCash and Cash EquivalentCanada12.03%
USD CurrencyCash and EquivalentsCash and Cash EquivalentUnited States10.72%
CAD CurrencyCash and EquivalentsCash and Cash EquivalentCanada10.60%
Canadian Treasury Bill % 21-Nov-2024Cash and EquivalentsCash and Cash EquivalentCanada10.49%
Canada Government 29-Aug-2024Cash and EquivalentsCash and Cash EquivalentCanada9.66%
Royal Bank of CanadaCanadian EquityFinancial ServicesCanada3.32%
Manulife Financial CorpCanadian EquityFinancial ServicesCanada2.66%
Element Fleet Management CorpCanadian EquityFinancial ServicesCanada2.53%
Canadian Pacific Kansas City LtdCanadian EquityIndustrial ServicesCanada2.47%

Performance Data (As of June 30, 2024)
  Return (%) Annualized Return (%)
Return 1 Mth 3 Mth 6 Mth YTD 1 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 10 Yr
Fund 0.97 3.34 7.78 7.78 7.69 5.17 7.21 -   
Benchmark -1.42 -0.53 6.05 6.05 12.13 5.98 9.28 6.95
Quartile Ranking 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 -

Calendar Return (%) 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Fund 1.88 4.75 4.98 16.21 4.93 -      -      -      -      -     
Benchmark 11.75 -5.84 25.09 5.60 22.88 -8.89 9.10 21.08 -8.32 10.55
Quartile Ranking 4 2 2 1 - - - - - -

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