(As of 7/31/2024)

Renaissance International Equity Fund Class A

(International Equity)
FundGrade A+® Rating recipient
For more information about FundGrade click here

Inception Return
3.98 %
YTD Return 9.19 %
Change ($0.16) / -1.29 %
Growth of $10,000 (As of July 31, 2024)
MER 2.22 %
Assets ($mil) $1,871.44
Rank (1Yr) 626/756
Std Dev (3Yr) 11.22 %
Volatility Ranking (3Yr) 8/10
RRSP Eligibility Yes
Load Choice of Front or No Load
Max Front End 5.00 %
Max Back End -
Sales Status Open
The Fund seeks to provide long-term capital growth through capital appreciation by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of equity securities of foreign companies located in Europe, the Far East, and the Pacific Rim. We will not change the Fund’s fundamental investment objectives without the consent of unitholders by a majority of votes cast at a meeting of unitholders.
Fund Manager

CIBC Asset Management Inc.

Portfolio Manager

CIBC Asset Management Inc.


Roy Leckie, Walter Scott and Partners Limited

Charles Macquaker, Walter Scott and Partners Limited

Asset Allocation
(As of July 31, 2024)
Sector Allocation
(As of July 31, 2024)
Geographic Allocation
(As of July 31, 2024)
Top 10 Holdings
NOVO NORDISK A/S DKK0.1 BCash and EquivalentsCash and Cash EquivalentCanada4.18%
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactrg Co Ltd - ADRInternational EquityTechnologyAsia/Pacific Rim4.10%
Experian PLCInternational EquityIndustrial ServicesEuropean Union2.88%
ASML Holding NVInternational EquityTechnologyEuropean Union2.85%
Keyence CorpInternational EquityIndustrial GoodsJapan2.82%
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co LtdInternational EquityBasic MaterialsJapan2.65%
Cash and Cash EquivalentsCash and EquivalentsCash and Cash EquivalentCanada2.61%
Industria de Diseno Textil SAInternational EquityConsumer ServicesEuropean Union2.56%
Roche Holding AG - PartcptnInternational EquityHealthcareOther European2.48%
Compass Group PLCInternational EquityConsumer ServicesEuropean Union2.45%

Performance Data (As of July 31, 2024)
  Return (%) Annualized Return (%)
Return 1 Mth 3 Mth 6 Mth YTD 1 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 10 Yr
Fund 2.93 5.74 7.47 9.19 10.93 1.11 6.25 7.27
Benchmark 4.08 5.76 11.38 12.39 15.90 5.88 8.18 7.34
Quartile Ranking 3 2 4 4 4 4 3 2

Calendar Return (%) 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Fund 13.61 -18.57 9.07 14.52 18.75 -1.75 17.00 -0.16 16.74 2.01
Benchmark 15.74 -10.67 8.97 8.01 16.27 -6.81 18.37 -1.70 19.41 4.12
Quartile Ranking 3 4 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 3

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